Web 2.0

Zoho is still in beta but appears to be a fully-functional online word processor and document collaboration tool. Features include:

  • Share documents with any individual or group
  • Auto-generate PDF or HTML from your documents
  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • Easy posting of documents to hosted Blogs
  • Multi-lingual Support
  • Versioning!

ZOHO Writer

Version control can be worth its weight in gold when multiple authors are involved. A user can use this when there are multiple techs documenting a system or installation and each is working in a different area, but they want to create one consistent “as-built” document.

There is a lot of other application in Zoha such us online tools including Zoha CRM, Zoha Sheet, planner, Zoha DB & Reports full-fledged database system, and Zoho Creator which allows you to create custom online applications without programming and many more!
